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1. Utilize a CMS There is no need to call IT when you need to make a website change. CMS’s such as WordPress and HubSpot make it incredibly easy for you to update your website content, build new pages, manage your site’s navigation, maximize your SEO, and blog. Migrating your website to a CMS is […]
jQuery has an arsenal of tools for you to include dynamic data in your web application. There are many different techniques which may suit one situation over another. In this screencast we’ll show you several ways that jQuery can load information off the web, which you can start using to enhance your projects right away.
Joomla is becoming one of the most popular websites Content Management System (CMS) with hundreds of millions of Joomla websites and thousands more be built every day, it isn’t surprising if many hackers want to attack it. In fact, there were many Joomla websites which were defaced because of the ignorance of their administrators. However, […]
WordPress powers approximately 50% of all the websites online around the world. This means that it is a very attractive platform for hackers to try and compromise as it gives them the ability to take down many websites in just one go. We’ve prepared this guide to help you understand the risks and threats as […]
The law enforcement agencies over here in the U.S. are being accused of breaking into individual’s privacy for long. However, a new report states that FBI went one step ahead and started listening people’s conversation by remotely activating Android Phone and Notebook’s Microphone using hacking technique. Android Device from VerizonOver the last couple years the […]
A cover of Taylor Swift’s “State Of Grace” from her new album Red.
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